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Centre for Landscape Regeneration

All CLR Conference 2023

The Centre for Landscape Regeneration attracts visionary researchers and staff all dedicated to restoring and revitalising landscapes through innovative, sustainable approaches.

We are a large interdisciplinary team from across the University of Cambridge and Partners. A map of the full team is here: KUMU Map


Our Team includes 34 Co-investigators, over 20 Postdoctoral Researchers, 4 PhD Students and Interns together with our Directors & Secretariat. You can find all team members below.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q-S | T | U-Z


Dr Oscar Aldred

Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

His research interests are in landscape archaeology, excavation, and archaeological method and theory, as well as the archaeology of the North Atlantic and the UK.



Prof Laura Diaz Anadon

Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge

She is an engineer and economist and the Director of the Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (CEENRG). She has research interests and projects in energy and environment-oriented technological innovation; public innovation institutions in the climate and energy space and how to improve their effectiveness; and the coupling between water and energy systems and its implications for policy-making.



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Prof Andrew Balmford

Dept of Zoology, University of Cambridge

His work focuses on how to reconcile biodiversity conservation with meeting human food needs and other land-demanding activities; the costs and benefits of retaining intact ecosystems; and identifying what works in conservation.



Mrs Lillian D N Bixler

Communications Coordinator, Centre for Landscape Regeneration & Conservation Research Institute

Lillian works in both the CRI and CLR offering communication support, newsletters, websites, and materials. With past expertise in Social Media Marketing and education, she has offered training to teams as well as providing her photographic expertise by taking professional portraits of staff and students. Her background includes a BA in Studio Art Photography & Art History.



Dr Rekha Bhangaonkar

Dept of Land Economy, University of Cambridge

She uses economic theories and statistical data as the basis for analysing resource-use behaviour towards applying a systems approach to understand sustainability.  She previously worked on the TIGRESS project with rural communities in India.



Dr Richard Bradbury

Head of People Conservation Science, RSPB

His work involves understanding the human side of conservation issues, testing solutions to problems and evaluating whether actions work. His team has a particular interest in measuring and valuing nature’s contributions to people, in particular natural climate solutions and sustainable agriculture, and understanding the roles of nudges, perceptions, attitudes and connection to nature for influencing behaviour change.



Prof Carol Brayne

Co-Director of the Cambridge Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge

Her principal area of research concerns longitudinal studies of the health of older people, with a focus on the brain, from a public health perspective. Her research has informed national policy and underpin our wider understanding of dementia at a population level.



Dr David Brown

Dept of Sociology, University of Cambridge

He is working on developing a collaborative approach to adaptive change, co-creating proposals, tools, and techniques for implementing landscape change, and a community regeneration toolkit.



Andre Butler

Dept of Land Economy, University of Cambridge

He is an applied economist whose work uses quasi-experimental methods to investigate drivers of economic growth and development in the agricultural sector, as well as their consequences on the environment and political economy.



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Hei Yeung (Aland) Chan

PhD Student, Dept of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge



Prof John Clarkson

Director of the Cambridge Engineering Design Centre and co-Director of Cambridge Public Health, University of Cambridge

His research interests are in the general area of engineering design, particularly the development of design methodologies to address, for example, process management, change management and inclusive design. He is the co-lead on Work Package I, which seeks to understand opportunities for landscape regeneration.



Prof David Coomes

Director of the Centre for Landscape Regeneration and the Conservation Research Institute (CRI), University of Cambridge

He is leading efforts to conserve the world’s dwindling biological diversity. Alongside his role as Director of the CRI, he is also Head of the Forest Ecology and Conservation Research Group in the Department of Plant Sciences. His group's research uses high-resolution remote sensing to understand how forests are responding to global change and contributes to international efforts to protect these ecosystems.



Dr Joshua Copping

Conservation Scientist, RSPB

His work consists of spatially explicit land use scenario modelling and quantitative ecology, with his wider interest in exploring the synergies and trade-offs surrounding conservation and land-based climate.



Will Crook

Fieldwork Coordinator for Cumbria, Centre for Landscape Regeneration

Based in Cumbria with the team at Cumbria Connect, Will is liaising with landowners & our researchers to identify & set up the field sites needed by our interdisciplinary team. A graduate of ecology from The University of Stirling, his background is in agroecology, focussing on how pollinators, specifically bumblebees, are affected on Fenland farms.



Dr Vanessa Cutts

Dept of Zoology, University of Cambridge

She synthesises existing evidence about conservation interventions for aquatic vegetation to aid evidence-based decision making in wetland restoration in peatlands.

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Dr Brenda D'Acunha

Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK CEH)

She is interested in quantifying water, energy and greenhouse gas fluxes from natural and managed peatlands. Her work seeks to improve GHG and water accounting, provide data for validating remote sensing products and hydrological and land-surface models, and inform climate change mitigation strategies.  



Dr Thomas David

Dept of Land Economy, University of Cambridge

He uses data characterising socioeconomic variables to investigate suitable policy instruments for landscape regeneration, conducting policy analysis to determine the effectiveness and distributional benefits to landscapes and communities.



Prof Lynn Dicks

Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge

She is a conservation scientist focused on insect conservation, biodiversity in agricultural landscapes and high quality evidence synthesis. Her group conducts research at the interface between agro-ecology, policy and the food and farming industry. She is the co-lead on Work Package 2, which seeks to measure and map ecosystem services including biodiversity.



Dr Helen Driver

Research Programme Manager, Centre for Landscape Regeneration

She joined the CLR in summer 2022. She was previously the Research Development Manager for the School of Biological Sciences in the University of Cambridge Research Office, and in previous roles worked as a programme manager at the Royal Society for Chemistry, UKRI India and EPSRC.



Prof Paul Dupree

Dept of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge

He is a biochemist who uses genetic, biochemical, microbiological techniques and structural biology methods to study cell wall polysaccharides. His work has the potential to improve biomaterial utilisation downstream applications, like biofuel production, plastic alternatives and improving the properties of wood for building construction.



Michael Durance


Michael is a Monitoring Officer working in a collaborative role between Centre for Landscape Regeneration, Cairngorms Connect and the RSPB. Currently he is undertaking a range of surveys within the Cairngorms National Park and establishing General Ecosystem Monitoring (GEM) plots to inform landscape scale models.



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Prof Christopher Evans


Peatland and Coastal Biogeochemistry Group, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK CEH)

His key research interests encompass semi-natural and managed uplands and peatlands, and the biogeochemistry, including carbon and nitrogen cycling, greenhouse gases and water quality, process modelling, long-term and large-scale data analysis.



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Dr Katy Faulkner

Dept of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge

Her project involves quantify greenhouse gas fluxes and soil organic matter stability across a network of farms with varying agricultural management legacies. Specifically, Katy is interested in exploring soil organo-mineral associations and how these effect Fenland ecosystem processes.



Prof Shailaja Fennell

Dept of Land Economy, University of Cambridge

She is a land economist with research interests in institutional reform and regional transformation. She has a particular focus on national and local decision making, rural development and agricultural sustainability; employment aspirations; and provision of public goods in the spheres of education and health.



Dr Rob Field


He is Principal Conservation Scientist at the RSPB who focuses on ecosystem-based climate change mitigation, through improved land management and conservation, both in protected areas and across land expected to provide multiple benefits, with a particular emphasis on sustainable agriculture.



Dr Tom Finch


He is a Senior Conservation Scientist at the RSPB, researching the impact of land use on nature, climate and food. His main interest is conservation in working landscapes, in terms of both improving the environmental credentials of farmland itself, but also minimising the physical footprint of farmland in order to spare wilder habitats and ecosystems.



Dr Shaun Fitzgerald OBE

Centre for Climate Repair and Cambridge Zero, University of Cambridge

He works at the interface of academic research, business, government policy and public engagement, and has supported the UK government in re-writing of policy documents for building standards. Prior to joining Cambridge, he was Director of the Royal Institution, overseeing the programme for engaging the public with science and engineering.



Ben Freeman

UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

Ben is an agricultural peatland ecologist at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. He is interested in understanding the relationships between peatland hydrology and greenhouse gas fluxes. His research aims to identify responsible management strategies for agricultural peatlands, balancing improved environmental outcomes with economic productivity.



Dr William Flynn

Dept of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge

He is using remote sensing methods to measure forest carbon in Cairngorms National Park. Using a range of sensors from ground to the air – terrestrial laser scanning, aerial laser scanning and unmanned aerial vehicle laser scanning – he will be quantifying individual-tree and whole-forest biomass and carbon storage. Using these data, he is interested in quantifying fine-scale ecological signal, indicative of recovering landscapes. His previous work combines UAV Structure from Motion data and Terrestrial Laser Scanning to map 3D individual tree crowns in very high resolution to detect disturbance and model phenology. Will is particularly interested in fusing spectral and structural data for the detection of disease and other forms of disturbance, and to better determine species identification and biodiversity.



Dr Jérémy André Fonvielle

Dept of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge

He is a biogeochemist investigating how the transformation of organic matter by microbes affects ecosystem function. His work consists of characterizing ecosystems using geospatial and measuring carbon fluxes in the field and sampling environmental DNA and organic molecules.



Dr Laurie Friday

Research Programme Manager, Centre for Landscape Regeneration

She has a research background in freshwater and fenland ecology. She has worked with Cambridge Zero for many years and has many critical linkages to stakeholders across the Fens landscape. She is also the Director of the Isaac Newton Trust



Dr Andrew Friend

Department of Geography, University of Cambridge

His interests are on the controls on terrestrial vegetation type, structure, and productivity and the effects of vegetation on atmospheric processes through land surface energy partitioning and carbon fluxes. He develops numerical models in order to test our understanding of global-scale dynamics of biogeochemistry-climate interactions.



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Prof Jennifer Gabrys

Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge

She leads the Planetary Praxis research group, interested in the crucial interfaces between digital technology, environments, social life and citizen participation and investigates theories and practices of citizenship, action and engagement with environmental problems.



Rachel Georgiou

Field Studies Coordinator, Centre for Landscape Regeneration

She works to coordinate the fieldwork of the interdisciplinary teams, as well as supporting the technical work of the Dept of Chemistry and UKCEH.  She has worked extensively in the field on both marine and terrestrial projects, has circumnavigated the British Isles on a sailing vessel co-ordinating research into Atlantic marine biodiversity and plastics, and has recently worked in West-Greenland on Arctic pollution.



Rebecca Gillett

Administrative Assistant, Centre for Landscape Regeneration

Her key areas of support include secretarial and financial support, communications and publicity, and the organisation of meetings and activities. Rebecca was previously the HoD Secretary in the Dept of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, and Postgraduate Secretary at Robinson College.



Dr Chiara Giorio

Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge

Her research interests are around the formation pathways, processes, and impacts of atmospheric aerosols; and analysis of contaminants in remote, rural, and urban environments. Her work in the CLR is focussed on developing low-cost sensors to make measurements of GHGs in the rural environment.



Dr Annette Green

Department of Geography, University of Cambridge

Dr Annette Green is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Geography. She is a political ecologist interested in how beliefs about society and nature shape conservation decision-making processes. At CLR, she will employ social science methods to research the diverse (and often competing) perspectives on restoration and land management held by the range of stakeholders across the three CLR landscapes of interest.



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Dr Manoj Hari

Dept. of Geography, University of Cambridge

Working with Prof Andrew D Friend, at the CLR, his work will focus on assessing the impact of alternative land management practices on greenhouse gas fluxes. His key research areas include the terrestrial carbon cycle and biosphere-atmosphere interactions.



Prof Jennifer Howard-Grenville

Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

Her research focuses on how people generate and navigate change within and beyond their organizations. She has an applied interest in issues of business strategy and environmental sustainability, focusing her research on how organizations seek to change their practices to improve sustainability performance.



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Dr Liliana Janik

Department of Archaeology & Cambridge Heritage Research Centre, University of Cambridge

She looks at the use of archaeological sites, including rock art, by contemporary communities in the construction of their identities in the process of their re-inhabiting the landscape, in particular through the creation of spiritual links between the physical landscape and religious expression.



Prof Rod Jones

Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge

He Professor of Atmospheric Science who studies atmospheric structure and photochemistry, using a wide range of measurement and modelling techniques to study the chemical composition and physical structure of the atmosphere. He developed low-cost air quality sensors to probe urban pollution, and these sensors are being developed in order to make measurements of GHGs in the rural environment.



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Prof Srinivasan Keshav

Department of Computer Science, University of Cambridge

His research focus is on reducing the carbon footprint of energy generation, transportation, and buildings. He has also been studying carbon sequestration and biodiversity potential of forests, looking at both conservation and restoration activities.



Ellie Kent

Department of Geography, University of Cambridge

Ellie is a PhD student in the department of Geography and working within the CLR team. Their research aims to understand the relationship between biodiversity and forest structure in naturally regenerating woodlands in the Scottish Highlands. Previously Ellie worked for a species reintroduction and translocation project in Cumbria and received and MSc from the University of Exeter.

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Dr Timoleon Kipouros

Dept of Engineering, University of Cambridge

He researches the impact of change propagation in complex systems made up of components, activities or people. His role is to understand the complex web of stakeholder organisations and projects taking place in the Fens, and helping to rethink the drainage system in partnership with water industry and engineering professionals.



Dr Nazneen Khan

Department of Land Economy and Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge

She is a visiting researcher at the Department of Land Economy and the Center of South Asian Studies at the University of Cambridge, UK. Her research is broad and interdisciplinary, with a particular focus on policy, intersectionality, development, and their intersections with gender, climate change, SRHR (sexual and reproductive health and rights), and mental well being. She is currently based at the International Center for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) in Dhaka, Bangladesh, where she serves as the Program Coordinator for Climate Change and Health.



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Dr Rick Lewis

Research Programme Manager, Centre for Landscape Regeneration

Rick splits his time between the CLR and the RSPB, in his other role he works to programme manage the conservation science fundraising work of the RSPB. He was previously an academic at the University of Newcastle.



Emily Lines

Department of Geography, Cambridge University

Emily is University Associate Professor in Physical Geography and UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, Turing Fellow in the Department of Geography. She is particularly interested in new generation forest dynamics modelling using remote sensing data



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Neil Mahon

PhD Student, Dept of Zoology, University of Cambridge

His interests are in ecological interaction networks, agroecology, and entomology. He is particularly interested in addressing key knowledge gaps surrounding the historic and ongoing impacts of human activity on pollinator, beetle, and dragonfly communities. He completed his MSc in Wildlife Conservation and Management at University College Dublin.



Amelia Bennett Margrave


Amelia is a Seasonal Research Assistant for RSPB Conservation Science Department, working in partnership with CLR. Conducting Breeding Bird Surveys in the Cairngorms National Park. Interested in all areas of natural history!



Tom Marquand

PhD student, Dept of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge

He is using measurements of stable isotope ratios in Fenland soil cores to quantify the subsurface rates of greenhouse gas production and consumption. As his project progresses, Tom aims to measure the effects of changing water table depth and seasonality on important soil carbon cycle processes.



Sachin Mathew

Research Assistant, Dept of Computer Science, University of Cambridge

He works alongside the Zoology Department to study applications of computer systems for conservation work, more specifically the usage of computer vision for biodiversity monitoring. Currently Sachin is working on a system for measuring the biomass of flying insects using video and LIDAR data.



Dr Ross Morrison

Land Surface Science Group, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK CEH)

His research quantifies energy, water and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes between the land surface and the atmosphere. He aims to improve the evidence base for GHG mitigation and GHG accounting and provide data for improving and evaluating land models and remotely sensed data products. He leads work to evaluate the GHG abatement potential of optimized water management in lowland agricultural peatlands, and novel wetland agriculture systems ('paludiculture').



Henry Moss

Departmental Early Career Advanced Fellow (DECAF), Institute of Computing for Climate Science, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

His primary focus is on developing scalable Bayesian ML models that help scientists understand the world around us and he has worked on applications in engineering, biology, chemistry, and physics.



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Dr Jerome Neufeld

Dept of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge

His research couples thermodynamics and fluid dynamics within geophysical settings using analytical, numerical and experimental techniques. Current research is focused on the areas of subglacial hydrology, geological carbon storage, the coupling of aquifer flow with river erosion, and the solidification of early planetary magma oceans.



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Dr Nancy Ockendon

Science Coordinator, Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme (ELSP)

Her role is to support the projects funded by the ELP to make effective use of science, deciding what restoration actions to implement, to creating well-designed monitoring programmes that collect useful data, and testing interventions to generate new scientific evidence.



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Dr Valeria Pannunzio

Dept of Engineering, University of Cambridge

She has a background in health systems design and previously worked both in industry and in academia in the Netherlands. Her work with the CLR focuses on interdisciplinary stakeholders engagement and coordination, co-creation and participatory design approaches. 

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Dr Adam Pelligrini

Dept of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge

He is interested in how ecosystems respond to changes in disturbance regimes and the fundamental processes that govern the responses of ecosystems to these changes. His work is grounded in experimental research, taking advantage of the diverse sets of fire manipulation experiments across the globe combined with the advances in ecosystem models.



Nik Petek Sargeant

Dept of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

Nik is a Leverhulme/Isaac Newton Trust Early Career Fellow in Archaeology, working with Prof Matt Davies as part of the Future Fenscapes programme. He is interested in the history of farming in the Fens



Dr Olalekan Popoola

Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge

His main interests include air quality, the development and deployment of portable air quality sensors, and data analysis methodologies.  As part of the CLR he is working on novel, low cost sensors for monitoring greenhouse gases across landscapes.



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Dr Hamidreza Rahimi

Dept of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge

He holds a Ph.D. in Engineering with a specialisation in Hydrology and Water Engineering, demonstrating expertise in hydraulic and fluid mechanics.His primary research interest lies in flow modelling through vegetation, while remaining open to diverse aspects within the broader field of water-related studies.



Dr Matteo Redana

Dept of Zoology, University of Cambridge

He works on the use of remote sensed data (satellite, UAV, fixed camera) and computer vision techniques to enhance habitat monitoring. Matteo is currently collaborating with the Department of Computer Science and Technology to develop an autonomous method to produce continuous measures of flying insects’ identification and biomass.



Ms Francesca Re Manning

Dept of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge

An international development lawyer by training, she is the Programme Manager of the Global Food Security Interdisciplinary Research Centre which aims to connect researchers and stimulate collaborations with external partners (including policy makers and industry) on every aspect of the entire food system.



Robert Edwin Rouse

Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge

Robert’s research interests lie in pattern recognition and the design of mathematical models for multidisciplinary problems, occurring at the intersection of meteorology, hydrology, biology, ecology, and sociology.



Dr Chris Sandbrook

Dept of Geography, University of Cambridge

His current research investigates (i) the relationship between conservation and development in theory and practice, (ii) the values and viewpoints of conservationists and how these influence conservation practice, and (iii) the social and political implications of new technologies for conservation.



Prof Emily Shuckburgh OBE

Co-Director of the Centre for Landscape Regeneration and Director of Cambridge Zero, University of Cambridge

She is the Professor of Environmental Data Science at the University's Department of Computer Science and Technology. She also leads the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training on the Application of AI to the study of Environmental Risks (AI4ER). She is a climate scientist and a Fellow of Darwin College, a Fellow of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, an Associate Fellow of the Centre for Science and Policy, a Fellow of the British Antarctic Survey and a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society.  She is also Co-Director of the Centre for Landscape Regeneration.



Dr Jack Shutt

Dept of Zoology, University of Cambridge

He is interested in how biodiversity and food-webs respond to human pressures, such as different land management practices, and working on conservation solutions that promote coexistence.  As part of the CLR he is working to assess biodiversity in the Fens and other landscapes, under different land use management types.



Dr Elizabeth Stockdale

Head of Farming Systems Research, NIAB

She focuses on applied soil and nutrient management research, nutrient cycling in soils, and the environmental impact of farming systems. She has been developing farmer-focussed approaches to measuring soil health and developing on-farm toolkits for improved soil management.



Prof Bill Sutherland CBE

Dept of Zoology, University of Cambridge

He has a particular focus on improving the processes by which conservation decisions are made and the industrial-scale collation of Conservation Evidence to determine the effectiveness of conservation actions and to establishing processes for embedding evidence in decision making.



Poppy Szaybo

Education and Inclusion Manager, Centre for Landscape Regeneration

She is an inclusion and community engagement specialist, with a career spanning over 30 years which includes working as a refugee and Romany Gypsy expert for the UNHCR in war zones, an international consultant for 24 years with the British Council, and most recently as Senior Inclusion and Diversity Advisor at Historic England. Poppy works closely with museums and archives, and is a textile artist whose work focuses on archival collections – she has African-American and Polish-Jewish heritage, and her work and practice reflects the diversity and complexity of her diasporic background.



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Dr Andrew Tanentzap

Northern Ecosystems at Trent University, Canada

He was previously based at the University of Cambridge where he was Professor of Global Change Ecology.  His research searches for solutions to protect benefits people receive from nature, including carbon sequestration, drinking water and food production from environmental change.



Dr Nigel Taylor

Dept of Zoology, University of Cambridge

He has a particular interest in wetlands and aquatic systems. His work with the CLR focuses on synthesising evidence for the effects of conservation and environmental management interventions, to support landscape restoration decision-making.



Dr David Thomas

Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme (ELSP)

The ELP funds landscape-scale restoration projects and aims to develop and share lessons that will help to attain large-scale restoration of habitats that are rich in biodiversity and resilient to environmental change. His interests lie in local engagement and empowerment and the linkages between biodiversity conservation, human rights, equity, livelihoods and well-being.



Dr Lawrence Tom

Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge

He is an experimental fluid dynamic scientist with interest in developing processes and tools needed to solve flow challenges. He is leading the development and deployment of low cost monitors for greenhouse gases flux measurements based on the principle of relaxed eddy-covariance.



Angus Tufnell

MPhil student, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge

He has a particular interest in peatland restoration and specifically its integration into the voluntary carbon market. His work seeks to gauge different stakeholder’s perceptions towards the restoration practices and the Peatland Code.



Prof Alexandra Turchyn

Dept of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge

She is interested in changes in biogeochemical cycles in response to perturbations to Earth’s climate and how different biogeochemical cycles are coupled. This coupling leads to the study of the interface between geochemistry and microbiology and how these interplay in biogeochemical cycling, including the impact of microbial processes in peat soils.



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Dr Catherine Waite

Dept of Zoology, University of Cambridge

Dr Catherine Waite is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Zoology. She is a quantitative ecologist with an interest in integrating remote sensing and field-based data collection techniques to examine ecosystem functioning. Her current research focuses on land-use scenario modelling to identify management regimes and interventions to meet human and biodiversity needs.

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Liam Wakefield

PhD student, Dept of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge

They are working in partnership with Cairngorms Connect to model native woodland regeneration in the Scottish Highlands. Their research interests include landscape-scale approaches to conservation management and the effects of plant community change. Prior to this they achieved their MSc from the University of Aberdeen.



Prof Andy Woods

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows, University of Cambridge 

His research interests concern the development of mathematical and experimental models of complex fluid flow processes covering a wide range of phenomena from the dynamics of explosive volcanic eruptions, to geothermal power generation and carbon sequestration.



Alix Zelly


Alix Zelly, a social scientist at RSPB Conservation Science, will be supporting work package 3 in the Cairngorms Summer 2024. They will be conducting landowner surveys and integrating local stakeholder preferences into future land use scenario modelling. Alix is interested in the complex values attributed to land use and how local stakeholders perceive systems of future change. They have previously conducted scenario co-design in the context of future treescapes and have also spent time as a farm cluster facilitator looking at the practical side of delivering landscape-scale collaboration.
