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Centre for Landscape Regeneration

Photo of Wheat Field

As an integral part of a broader network, our funders support has helped to fuel our research.

The Centre for Landscape Regeneration is funded by The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)  as part of their Changing the Environment Programme.


Alongside the Centre for Landscape Regeneration, three other Centres were also funded: GALLIANT led by the University of Glasgow, RENEW led by the University of Exeter and the AGILE Initiative led by the University of Oxford.

The Centre for Landscape Regeneration is led by Professor David Coomes, Director of the Conservation Research Institute, and Professor Emily Shuckburgh OBE, Director of Cambridge Zero. We collaborate with the Cambridge Conservation Initiative and the Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme.

We are also supported by other partners including:



If you wish to discuss working with us, please contact

Together, with our dedicated Partners, we embark on a collective endeavor to approach and address the challenges which affect us all.